I am very empty right now.
I can't make myself do much anymore.
Haven't uploaded anything in almost an entire month.
I can't even sharpen my mind up enough to think of something to draw.
I have my tablet within reach at all times pretty much, but I can't seem to make myself even try to draw anything.
I tried to stay away from NG, but it's a much harder thing to do when you have no one else.
I've tried some discords, but they're either almost entirely dead or people aren't in your timezone and you only get a few hours with them if you're lucky.
It hurts so much.
I can't even get back to a neutral mood anymore.
There wasn't much to it before this, I won't lie...
...but I can see my world starting to crumble down all around me.
Thank you for reading my emo post.
Unless you didn't, in which case, you suck.
Don't worry emo cat
I'm here for you
We can be emo together
*turns up the linkin park*