Rest in peace, General Forum
Still barely know what went down in there that led to it gettin closed. If anyone wants to fill me in, I wouldn't say no. You can be as detailed as you want.
Honestly, I haven't been paying attention to the art forum very much in general mostly cuz nothing is really goin on in there. You can find me in my usual other places if you need me or you like me and wanna chat with me or something (I may hav a discord but only for the coolest people, you'll have to inquire about that privately).
Still pluggin away at arts n such.
It makes sense the Politics forum got the axe. I friggin’ go to Twitter and YouTube for that kind of malarkey, and even that’s in small doses at most! But General? There must’ve been quite a stir to abandon that forum altogether!
Literally no one is upset that Politics is gone. Nothing of value was lost.