I'm not doing a good job of holding it together right now.
The lonely thoughts are starting to creep back in and take over.
I sell depression and depression accessories, I tell you what.
Age 35
Professional Loser
Under Your Bed
Joined on 5/20/20
Posted by misterbright - September 12th, 2022
I'm not doing a good job of holding it together right now.
The lonely thoughts are starting to creep back in and take over.
Posted by misterbright - August 30th, 2022
I just got out of bed like 15 minutes ago and what should I see when I clicked on newgrounds? Why, it was another milestone hit...
We hit 150 fans! I'm just as surprised as you are. Who would have thought 2 years ago when I started doing this that i'd have 150 fans at some point. I cannot thank you all enough for pressing that small little orange follow button. It means a lot to me that people actually want to look at my "artwork?" and not instantly projectile vomit all over their computer screens. I hope I can get even better at arting n such in the future so that the art is better and people can enjoy it more.
Please accept these headpats along with my deepest gratitude
I'm going back to the once a month updating thingy, but the latest milestone threw things off so I have to make it now I guess. I haven't been able to do any experimenting or anything like I wanted. I've been busy doing a thing and I have to finish it first before I can do other stuff. That's the reason I haven't uploaded anything substantial either. I have to finish and then i'll be free to do w/e I want again. I ADD'd too much and it took a while for me to get it going, but i'm almost done so yay for that.
In the meantime, i've been gathering more references.......a lot for MALES! GASP! OH EM GEE! I still want to switch things up and do something different than just gals all the time, like I said I did. Having the motivation to actually follow through however is the hard part.
That's kind of it. I traded up to the Switch OLED model since I don't think a new switch is coming any time soon. I still have a mountain of games to play through (many many RPGs). Maybe some of them will give me some new ideas n such. I dunno.
I wanna draw
I wanna color
I wanna create
Posted by misterbright - August 9th, 2022
I don't care anymore...
If people wanna look at my drawings, that's great. If they don't, that's fine too.
No more being overly dramatic or trying to bait people into taking an interest in me. If anyone really cares how i'm doing/feeling, they can ask me directly.
I just wanna improve...
I just wanna create...
I just wanna draw...
Posted by misterbright - July 21st, 2022
EDIT EDIT: I got covid n i'm sick, in case you were wondering.
EDIT: Random people keep following me. I'm scared now.
Well that's a shock to the system...
Two weeks ago I was seemingly losing a bunch of followers. In the past couple of days, i've gotten EVEN MORE followers than I had before people started leaving (some of which had good reason atleast, don't be mean to people). I know why though. It's because I started the "Mister Bright Draws OC Request" thread. People wanna keep an eye on me to see when round 2 starts. That's fine, I guess, but atleast let me finish round 1 before thinkin about round 2.
I was gonna wait till 150, but there's never a bad time to celebrate good things. Thanks to everyone who pressed follow this past week. I'm well past what I had previously and then some. Even if you're just here for free stuff, it's better than not being here at all...and maybe while you're here you will get converted into someone who actually likes what I make. I can be very convincing from time to time.
All this positive energy directed at me has done me a lot of good too. It's helped me sort some story ideas out and FINALLY come up with a premise for my fighty punchy kicky city urban battle story thing i've been tooling around with for a long time. It's not going to be the most unique thing in the world, but I hope it'll be fun atleast. I have an idea finally for how the MC will look. Piper and Mako's personalities will change up a bit. I've got a couple new character ideas AND some environment ideas. I've also thought up something new that I wanna do after all these OC requests are finished. Something silly and halloweeny and fun.
If you'll excuse me, i've got more OCs to draw. I'm still committed to doing all 10. I've got 7 to go so there is plenty that needs to be done.
^me absorbing all the positive energy^
Posted by misterbright - July 8th, 2022
EDIT: I guess there is an exodus of followers. I'm sad now. I wish I knew why they were leaving. Sorry for letting you down I guess...
I don't usually delete posts that have comments or reactions, but that last one was too cringy to look at anymore.
I don't really have anything to say, but the last REAL post was in May and it's July now. I'm probably just going to keep my emotions off these news posts unless it's going to halt all art production. It's not very beneficial to myself or others. I'll just keep those things to myself from now on. I'm just a very lonely old loser who has no friends or anyone to connect with or talk about things I like with or even any girls to have a crush on. I just sort of exist in a void by myself. It's not fun. That's the last thing i'll say about that though because it's not productive or beneficial to myself or others so it doesn't need to be said anymore. Shrug.
Not really working on anything at the moment. I don't really have any ideas. I don't really know what to make. My urge to draw n color is very "on and off" these days.
I find myself trying to make the same kinds of things over and over again. I'm very aware of this so you don't need to tell me again. I think it's because I just want to "get it right this time" but also because it's too comfortable a thing to do. I don't wanna try new things because if I don't like what i've made i'll feel like I wasted all my time and I won't have something I can upload. That's not a healthy thought to have because the only way we can get better and grow is to try new things and explore outside our comfort zones. You just become stagnant if you stay in the same place forever.
I won't delete this post like the last couple. It'll stay up till I have something new to say or show or whatever. I promise (*fingers crossed behind back*).
Posted by misterbright - May 20th, 2022
Today marks my 2nd anniversary here on the newest of grounds (with this account atleast, i've been here longer than some of you have been alive)
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has rubbed their eyes on my art works over the two years i've been putting it on this website. I've definitely improved since I started and that makes me "happy". Hopefully, there will be a lot more improvements to come in year 3. I started making an art to commemorate the anniversary like I did last year, but it's probably not going to be done any time soon. I'd also like to thank all the people who decided to follow my page and all the nice people i've talked to on these new grounds. I promise there will be more arts of questionable quality and many more memes being posted on the forums in the 3rd year. I love all of you (no homo unless ur a girl, then call me).
I'm debating whether or not i'm in a good enough mood to do Pico and Piconjo days in june, but it's not looking good right now. They help grow the follower numbers and that's important, but I dunno if I can do it. I guess we'll see. It's not totally off the table, but don't be surprised or upset if there isn't anything this year. Just sayin. I'm still in a bad place right now but hopefully things are going to start looking up soon.
The big thing I want to do in this third year is atleast flesh out my city urban battle fighting story. Piper is going to get one last fix and then we are moving on. Mako will be making her return with a new look too. I've also been going hard to gathering dude references so hopefully the MC will make his debut as well. I have more ideas for characters and story ideas so that's cool too.
I'd also like to try animating again. I've been considering grabbing a new display tablet for my computer to use things like blender n other programs I can't use on my eye pad. It would be cool to have a whole animated show I can post here like all the other flash shows i've watched over the years. That's prolly still super far off, but it's something to aspire for.
I've typed enough and if you read all of this, thanks bby ;)
Here's to year 3 and many more years to come!
~Mr. B
Posted by misterbright - January 27th, 2022
I never made a post about hitting some milestones near the end of last year so i'm going to make one now I guess...
We've hit over 100 fans and I couldn't be more grateful to everyone for pressing that little follow button (and not unfollowing). I love you all and I hope to make many new and exciting things this year that I hope you all enjoy.
Posted by misterbright - December 3rd, 2021
Other than the secret santa i've already committed to, I don't think i'm going to upload anymore this month/year. Just when I think i'm out of the misery hole, I get pulled back down to the bottom. I just wanna scribble and draw and play games in peace for a bit I guess. I'm sorry if you were looking forward to anything in particular.
When is it my turn to feel good? When will someone save me from this nightmare? Haven't I suffered enough yet?
Posted by misterbright - November 24th, 2021
Still miserable but i'm tryin to do some more stuff now. I have some more ideas for some things. I want to try some fantasy stuff soon with armor and weapons and stuff like that. I'd like to do a few more Dead Estate pieces cuz I really like the game and I finally unlocked all the characters (and it gets da views if you know what i'm sayin bruh). I'd also like to try some animated things.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving but it's also my birthday. I'm an old man now. I can already feel the wrinkles coming.
Posted by misterbright - October 26th, 2021
I want to make a pledge that for the rest of this year, i'm going to make more of an effort to leave my comfort zone when it comes to art and such. I want to make more things that aren't just the same thing over and over again. Even if I don't have any ideas, I want to start expanding into things that i'm not that familiar with.
As an artist, the only way we can grow and get better is to get out of that comfort zone and try new things. I've been in mine for far too long and it's time to get back out there.
I know I say it a lot, that I wanna do new things...but this time I really wanna stick to it. After i'm done this art i'm working on now, i'm going to start mixing things up. The "Same Shit Different Day" arc of my art saga is coming to an end.
The next arc is upon us. I hope to see you all there!